Effect of Big Data on Society

There is no doubt that we have entered the era of big data, which has opened a large number of opportunities for a new generation of value. The phenomenon of Big Data has been characterized by its 4'V namely: volume, speed, variety and veracity in the data and that are created at higher rates.It has been observed that more than 80% of the world's data has only been created in recent years. For some, data has become a subtle force and has affected their own daily life. For others, who may work with huge amounts of data in their daily lives, an image of a giant wave comes to their minds.

According to Big Data training in Bangalore, Big Data has acquired its importance with the advent of the social web (social networks) and the emergence of interconnected mobile devices that for 24 hours are creating a world in which there is data of all kinds of information, especially personal.

Smartphones and other connected devices have allowed us to control and share everything from the weather, our geographic location, health, fitness levels, finances to household energy consumption. These have also given us access to new modes of telecommunications in the form of VoIP, video conferences, Internet television, music streaming, among others. Mobile applications, adapted to our needs, are the successors of the "old" web pages.

Who is more interested in our data? 

Without knowing it, our daily activities are recorded and used to support the transactions we have with all types of organizations. This has raised concerns about privacy that have focused on who has the right to own and use data about people, making governments move forward in the establishment of regulations to protect their citizens.

Effect of Big Data on Society

The concern is that the information in the wrong hands could be used for identity theft, which could lead to frauds that are committed. However, having access to the same data can greatly improve service delivery and efficiency. To this end, governments and municipalities are seeking to promote open data initiatives (open data, open gov), where information about cities is made available to citizens , businesses and other organizations to share, reuse and distribute around cultural, scientific, finance, statistics, environment and transport issues, among others.

In the medium term, everything indicates that our ability to process information doubles every two years, the cost of storage, backup and processing of a single bit of information is limited to zero. To handle these large volumes of data, cloud-based solutions (Cloud Computing) are emerging in order to reduce data management costs and to provide scalability for leveraging economies of scale.

Everything seems to indicate that the impact of Big Data in our life will continue. Therefore, as citizens we can look forward to greater transparency and better service at the levels of both public and private organizations that make use of their data assets to support and allow new forms of services that innovate over the past.Get to know more about such interesting applications of Big Data by being a part of Big Data training in Bangalore.


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