
Showing posts from January, 2020

Key features of Apache Hadoop in 2019

Apache Hadoop is the most popular big data tool. Hadoop provides the world's most reliable storage layer. Some of the most important features that make this tool the most suitable for processing large volumes of data are: Open source According to Hadoop training in Bangalore, Apache Hadoop is an open source project which means that your code can be modified according to the business requirements. Distributed processing As data is stored distributed in HDFS throughout the cluster, the data is processed in parallel in a cluster of nodes. Fault tolerance  This is one of the most important features of Hadoop. By default, 3 replicas of each block are stored in the cluster in Hadoop and can also be changed according to the requirement. Then, if any node falls, the data from that node can be easily retrieved from other nodes with the help of this feature. Nodes or tasks failures are automatically recovered by the framework. This is how Hadoop is fault tolerant. Rel...

Get to know about Data science with perfect example for beginners

When we talk about data science, data mining and artificial intelligence which is one of the technologies that are changing our lives without seeing in practice how this happens. It is quite complex to find information on the application of this technology to our day today. These days data science is used in different industries. In marketing, it is not only about owning the information, but also about interpreting it and knowing how to connect it with the clients' preferences to create identification with the brand. There are other cases where this technology is used in the creation of inventories so as not to have unnecessary supply and wasted space. In the field of finance, it reduces risks and something important is its use in the selection of personnel, optimizing the hiring process seeking loyalty in future employees. A practical example of Data Science: Today I want to tell you a practical example of how in, we are using data science to convert an ou...

8 reasons why Big Data is best for your career

8 reasons why Big Data is best for your career One of the themes of the business world that is expanding the most in recent years due to its practical applications in the business sector are the handling of large amounts of data. For this reason, specific training in the subject is essential to develop in a professional manner and with the theoretical and practical knowledge corresponding to this work niche, and the best thing that can be done is to study after completing training from India's largest E-learning, big data on everything, but with more applications within this field. Reasons to study Big Data : It is essential to know how to interpret the data and how to work with them to get to know how the market behaves. For this reason, in the fairs of studies what is demanded to a large extent is Big Data course, Big Data master and other training related to this specialty. Big Data The reasons for studying Big Data remotely or in Big Data & Busines...

Double your business profit with these features of Big Data

Big data, a business technology used to understand the profile of a business, needs and feelings of customers with respect to the selling of products or services, allow professionals to adapt their strategies while interacting with the clients. As per the Big Data training in Bangalore , the most important features of big data are defined in terms of 5 magnitudes or 5 V’s of big data. Not all companies will opt for the same methodology regarding development and creation with big data technologies. However, there is a possibility of using these technologies in all sectors to enhance decision making and performance in the market.  Big Data features: Tremendous the volume of Data: The concept of volume is very variable and every day that passes we rise what we can consider as large volumes of data. However, when talking about Big Data it refers to volumes that exceed the capacity of conventional software , so that the data cannot be handled and managed. In general, wh...

Key Differences Between Apache Storm vs Apache Spark

Streaming technologies are leading the Big Data world now. It becomes complex for the users to choose one. Apache Storm and Spark are the two most popular real-time technologies on the list. Let’s compare Apache Storm and Spark on the basis of their features, and help users to make a choice. The purpose of this article Apache Storm Vs Apache Spark is not to make a judgment about one or other, but to study the similarities and differences between the two. In this blog, Spark training in Bangalore will cover the differences between Apache Storm and Apache Spark. Let’s start first with the introduction to each, after that, we will move to the comparison of Apache Storm Vs Spark on the basis of the features of both. Apache Storm Apache Storm is an open-source, fault-tolerant, scalable, and real-time stream processing computation system. It is the framework for real-time distributed data processing. It focuses on event processing or stream processing. Storm actualizes the fault-t...

Effect of Big Data on Society

There is no doubt that we have entered the era of big data, which has opened a large number of opportunities for a new generation of value. The phenomenon of Big Data has been characterized by its 4'V namely: volume, speed, variety and veracity in the data and that are created at higher rates.It has been observed that more than 80% of the world's data has only been created in recent years. For some, data has become a subtle force and has affected their own daily life. For others, who may work with huge amounts of data in their daily lives, an image of a giant wave comes to their minds. According to Big Data training in Bangalore , Big Data has acquired its importance with the advent of the social web (social networks) and the emergence of interconnected mobile devices that for 24 hours are creating a world in which there is data of all kinds of information, especially personal. Smartphones and other connected devices have allowed us to control and share everything from t...

Useful benefits of Python language for Beginners and Professionals

Python is the most popular language in the IT industry. Many people are depending on Python language for almost all domains in IT like web development , OpenStack, VMware, cloud computing and many more. Here are the advantages of the Python language are the following: 1. Simple and Fast: This language greatly simplifies programming "makes you adapt to a programming language mode, Python offers you a pattern". It is a great language for scripting if you require something fast to execute, with a few lines already solved. Python is an interpreted programming language (not necessary to compile it) where it favors syntax. That is, its writing and reading are closer to human language than to that of the machine. Certain lines will be practically in English prose. For example: "if 'piggy' in zoo: print (zoo)". That translated could be like: "If a pig is in the zoo, print zoo." Easy and fun. The order that Python maintains, is what its users like...

Ultimate guide of big data and its advantages for beginners

What is big data? Big data is managing and analyzing the huge volume of data where it can be treated as a conventional manner due to its mass size. The data becomes information, thus helping to make strategic decisions in companies, organizations. The fact of being able to handle Big Data currently means that all this great mass of information that is created every day around the channels of action and external data sources can bring competitive advantages to companies. The advantages of Big Data can focus on the following: Advantages of Big data: Enhance in decision making: Information is fundamental as the basis for the correct decisionmaking , and much more when we can dynamically handle all the information provided by Big Data. Having a large volume of structured data that can be interpreted helps organizations to make a decision. We can assume intelligent and fast decisions that help to favor our business since they have been based on a strong foundation. According to ...

How to apply Data Science in Social Media Marketing?

Today, data science has extended its dominance over the digital marketing landscape especially for social media marketing , data science promises a lot. From the advanced analysis of social media activity in brand content campaigns to create insightful people through social media listening, through complex data patterns that are easy to understand through visualizations, to Overcoming the perennial problem of advertising fraud in advertising ecosystems, data science has potential applications to significantly improve social networks for brands. Here, Data Science training institute in Bangalore will cover four ways in which brands can leverage data science to get better social media marketing results in 2019. It is disappointingly common for people to use data science when they actually refer to data analysis or analysis, and that is not exactly correct. Data science is not even business intelligence. It has a broader scope and involves exploring data from multiple sources to u...

Advantages of Hadoop architecture and how it is used

The use of the Hadoop open source platform can greatly help us to take advantage of external data in order to improve the business strategy. However, it is not in all cases clear to exploit information from external sources. On the one hand, the current context dominated by widespread digitization, mobile technology and the Internet of Things conducive and, at the same time, promotes technologies capable of extracting value from them. In this task, Hadoop is the undisputed leader when it comes to providing Big Data solutions at low cost, so its use is almost obligatory, although there are other alternatives that we might be interested in valuing. When assessing whether to use Hadoop, the following keys must be taken into account: According to Hadoop training institute in Bangalore , Hadoop is the most efficient tool to analyze Big Data: effective and at a low cost. Hadoop allows us to take advantage of unstructured information that we had stored in unused repositories...

How to become an expert in Big Data?

The specialist Big Data (or Data Scientist) is already considered one of the professional profiles most promising of 2020. Because of the arrival of the digital transformation , business models are changing and now many companies are now demanding professionals who are able to interpret and analyze large amounts of data through the conversion of data in information to improve their performance. What should I train in? The Big Data course to be an expert Until not long ago, most of the schools that offered specialization programs in Big Data focused mainly on the analytical and technological aspects, training professionals with mathematical and statistical profiles. However, business schools have begun to offer this training with a more entrepreneurial nature, which allows professionals who come from engineering or business administration to develop as experts in Big Data. Differentiation lies precisely in creating a mixed professional profile. If you start focusing your c...

Big Data challenges and its opportunities

Big Data is an increasingly essential tool for businesses, but its use is not without its challenges. According to Big Data training institute in Bangalore , we summarize the top 3 challenges of Big Data in companies must address when implementing a big data solution are: 1. Selection and prioritization One of the advantages of Big Data is that it can provide numerous analyzes of available information. The fact is, users don't need big data itself, but the new perspectives that this technology can offer on their business information. Therefore, one of the main challenges for users is to select those that are really important and separate them from those that are not. This task is not simple, as according to several studies up to 90% of the data is “noise”, and the task of classifying and discriminating can be very complex. To this end, it is essential to understand the data in-depth and thus to be able to set priorities. Big Data Challenges 2. Security a...